About Us

Our Vision

Three interconnected ponds out there I see,
With clear water and submerged plants in thee.

Sunfish, turtles, and minnows are found,
Not too plentiful, but they are around.

The water flows slowly and continuously between,
Beneath the shady willows or cattails so lean.

Swimmers, boaters, and fishers are few,
But none fear the water so fresh and so blue.

The surrounding forest is composed of native shrubs and tall trees,
That yield in but a few places to wet meadows that please.

And all residents and visitors to London can easily access,
These natural wonders that the Coves continue to bless.

Adapted by Ron Griffiths, Ministry of Environment, following a visioning exercise with the Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc. Board of Directors, 2005

Mission Statement

We believe that the quality of life in our community is enhanced through the protection, conservation and wise stewardship of the Coves Subwatershed.


The Coves Subwatershed Plan identified 59 recommendations for the protection, rehabilitation, and stewardship of the Coves Subwatershed.

These recommendations can be categorized into four main focus areas:

  • Public Access: enhance community enjoyment and appreciation of the Coves by bringing more lands into public ownership and by establishing trails;
  • Stewardship: engage local landowners in adopting ecologically-friendly practices in their home and yard; 
  • Rehabilitation: enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat and establish nature corridors that connect with neighbouring watersheds; 
  • Ecosystem Education: the active involvement of area schools, community groups, and service clubs in ecosystem conservation and protection.