Improving Public Greenspace

The Coves' Elmwood Gateway

Imagine driving along the commercial stretch of Wharncliffe Road S and catching a glimpse of green - what a welcome relief to the eye! The future...

The Coves' East Pond Woods

After encouragement from Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc. (FOTCSI) and Old South Community Organization (OSCO), in August 2008 City Council...

The Abandoned Valspar/Lilly/Paint Factory/Fruit Orchard

Perhaps the most well-known Cove property is the one that sits at it's heart at the end of Duke St. This property has been home to various different...

Street & Boulevard Trees on public property

All trees on City property are protected under City by-law and are not to be trimmed, removed or harmed by the public. Likewise, trees cannot be...

Greenway Park Gateway to the Coves

There are a few publicly accessible vistas into the Coves ponds since most of the shoreline of the Coves is privately owned. One exception to that...

Euston Park Naturalization

Euston Park is found south of the Coves ponds between Emery St., Wharncliffe Rd. S, Baseline Rd. W and Beachwood Ave. The wooded west end of the park...

Coves Trails

The Coves Environmentally Significant Area has many trails to explore Find maps to the right under Project Resources Mowed Trails Gently graded,...

Coves Subwatershed Plan

In 2004, the Friends of the Coves Subwatershed released the Coves Subwatershed Plan. The plan factors in information gathered in past studies in the...