If you teach students in grades 4 through 7 or if you're just looking for some outdoor educational activities, the Living Laboratory of the Coves was made for you. Created by Heather Hawkins Jensen, a Masters of Environment and Sustainability student at Western University, the Living Laboratory is a series of free booklets full of activities for students and teachers grades 4 through 7 designed to meet curriculum expectations while helping kids get outside, engage with the history of the Coves, learn about local ecosystems, and enjoy nature.
Living Laboratory activities align with requirements in the curriculum areas of the Arts, Health and Physical Education, Science and Technology, and Social Studies. Each grade has a teacher booklet containing relevant curriculum standards, activity descriptions, and supporting materials in addition to a companion student booklet consisting of photographs, maps, and space for drawing and writing prompts. There is also a French version of the grade 4 student booklet.
Through the Living Laboratory, teachers will have more options to incorporate environmental education in all elements of learning and kids will have more chances to engage with the natural world. Please click below to download your own copy, head outside, and enjoy the Coves